Mindfulness is shown to help promote significant changes in certain brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress along with self acceptance, self compassion, self love, self esteem and self care. It’s a type of meditation where you become fully present in the moment. How many times have you felt like life was just passing you by? Or you can’t recall what you ate for breakfast or what you did over the weekend and it’s only Monday? The action of taking time to be in the moment, to savor your breakfast (how it looks, smells, tastes, perhaps feels), all this is an example of mindfulness.
This in turn becomes a form of selfcare. Yes, this term has become cliché, but in reality, we deserve this! Our society and culture are so fast paced, and in a go-go mind set. We get into the habit of taking care of our clients, partners, children, being on the go to for our friends, that we often put ourselves last. This is the #1 thing I hear! People putting themselves on the back burner, but have you ever heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup”? I am here to help teach you how you can incorporate this into your life little by little, without it feeling like it’s one more thing you have to get done in the day or week and add to the overwhelm. In fact, by taking on the act of mindfulness + self care over time it will make the overwhelm feel and be less. This is because you will have a deeper sense of calm and ability to handle the inevitable daily chaos around you.